Sunday, May 24, 2009

Release of the first issue of the International Journal of English Language & Literature

ICLL (The International Congress of Language and Literature, Patna (india) and Wis. (USA)) is releasing the first issue of its official biennial refereed research journal, IJELL (International Journal of English Language and Literature) on June 11, '09. The first issue of IJELL has seven research papers in Language (Sociolinguistics (1), Phonetics& Phonology(2), Stylistics(1), ELT(1), Language (2), six papers in Literature, one story, dozens of poems, translation, and book review.
The second issue will be released in Sept. '09. Deadline for the submission of articles: July 31, '09
Contact Prof. Rajkamal Shiromani, President ICLL and Editor-in-Chief, IJELL
E-mail: / Phone: +91-9939876760